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When I first heard that Sheila Franklin was considering running for the Henderson County Commission, I called her. I was excited to hear from Sheila that she was going to run. You see myself, Commissioner Charle Messer and Fletcher Councilman Wayne Garren asked and convinced Sheila to run for the Fletcher Town Council. Here we are 14 years later and Sheila still serves on the council and has now through having a servant's heart, is willing to take on an even bigger challenge of being a Henderson County Commissioner. Her vast knowledge on so many issues will serve us well with her on the Henderson County Commission. She brings years of experience to the board. Kathy and I are supporting Sheila 100 percent. Sheila is one of those unique individuals that truly listens to people, weighs everything out and then makes a well informed decision. She is a proactive person that galvanizes people and is not a polarizing person. Planning for the future while meeting the community's needs today is her main priority. A long history of advocating for public safety and those that serve us daily is always on her mind. We have had many conversations through the years on many of the challenges we face as a community. It has been said that leadership is the action you take, not the position you hold. Sheila Franklin has been a quiet leader that has shown her leadership through her actions and never getting caught up in titles. She believes in doing the right thing, even if it's not the popular thing. Abraham Lincoln said " “Character is like a tree, and reputation like its shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing.” Sheila Franklin is the real thing! It is a distinct honor and privilege for me to endorse and support Sheila Franklin for Henderson County Commissioner. Sheriff George H. Erwin, Jr. (Retired-Henderson County) Fletcher, N.C. — George Erwin, Jr.
Sheriff (Retired-Henderson County)

We have known Sheila for many years, as a friend and a Fletcher Town Council member! She will bring years of governmental experience to Henderson County! Experience Matters! — Grady & Doris Hawkins
Retired HC Commissioner

WILL YOU SUPPORT ME? When I am asked this question by any candidate running in our upcoming Henderson County elections, I ask them my number one question before answering their question. 1. I tell them about my “Voting Machine Workshop” and invite them to attend one of my workshops. If they are still listening to me, (and not walk away like 2 current GOP leaders have) I have a nice conversation about my passion to get the truth out about our election process using the current electronic voting machines. 2. I find that most have not done the research about the voting machines and do not have time to watch more than a little “fake news” media, in their busy schedule, which will never tell the truth about the voting machines. 3. I appreciate the many, in several NC counties, who are open minded and willing to listen and learn the truth about the computerized voting machines. Many county leaders are now sharing my passion to get the truth out in their counties. I vote in Henderson County. My number one question is: “What is your opinion about using the computerized voting machines in Henderson County?” Sheila Franklin is running for the District 2 Commissioner in Henderson County. Sheila Franklin lives in my community and we have known each other for several years. I have watched Mike and Sheila’s little girls grow up with children of their own. Mike and Sheila are great role models for their grandchildren to look up to. Sheila Franklin has been to one of my Voting Machine Workshops. She and I have had many conversations about the voting process in Henderson County, which uses the computerized voting machines. This is why I am supporting and will vote for Sheila Franklin as our next Henderson County District 2 Commissioner! — Kathy Maney
Voting Machine Workshop by Kathy Maney

When it comes to the issues that the county is facing now, Sheila has a common sense approach to tackle tough issues. Her involvement in the community ranges from local government to serving on numerous boards over the years. She understands the importance of balance between development and growth, and preservation of our rural and agricultural character that makes this place we call home so special. Her experience and careful, methodical thought process is very much needed on the Board of Commissioners. She has a genuine interest in the well-being of the residents of Henderson County, she listens to what the members of the communities have to say and responds accordingly. She understands that the job of a commissioner is to SERVE the communities and the county, and its residents. She has earned my vote. -Adam Pressley, Pressley Farms — Adam Pressley
Diana Laughter
Martha Rollefson
Mary Turner

Committee for Sheila Franklin-HC
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